Create approval workflows
Create approval workflows
Timesheet Approval Plans allow you to create different approval workflows for users who submit their timesheets, expense sheets, or custom entry sheets after each period. Users who have been assigned to Approval Plans will be required to submit their sheets to be approved by the approvers specified in the Sheet Approval Plan.
Approval plan demo
If you don't set up approval plans then every sheet will remain 'open'. This means that the user can change any entry any time. Even if you don't have approvers (i.e. (project-)managers) in your company, it is probably wise to prevent unwanted changes to the time entries. For example, if you have run your reports (for invoice or management purposes) and employees can still change their entries, then your whole report can show incorrect data. Worst case, any time you run a report, it can show different results.
The Organization Chart Manager (OCM) is a configuration tool that automates the set up of a top-down reporting structure and bottom-up approval structure for your organization based on an organization chart (org chart) that you can create and manage in the system. If you have a large number of users, OCM facilitates the process of creating and maintaining their approval plans, as well as the ability to report on them.
The Organization Chart Compliance Viewer (OCV) provides a complete view of time approval status and compliance based on the hierarchy relationships in your org chart. The compliance viewer allows you to quickly locate parts of the organization that are out of compliance, get sheets approved or contact others to take action. The compliance viewer can be used with or without OCM. It will show compliance data regardless of whether the corresponding approval plans were created manually or by OCM.
Important notes:
There are several menu options related to the approval workflow settings: Entry Screen Period Management is located under Settings / Customize entry screens / Entry screen periods. Before users can begin logging time, expense, or custom entries, the system administrator must first create and assign the Periods that the organization will be using.
Notification settings
To create a new Time Approval Plan, select the Create time approval plan option from the Manage / Approvals / Approval plans menu. This will direct you to the Create time approval plan screen where you will configure the settings of the new Approval Plan. You define the following in an approval plan:
The Email Setting fields for subject lines and messages accept plain text, HTML tags, and a selection of 'tricky tags' that pull information directly from the system database.
Tricky Tag Information
If you want to use automated emails, for example 'You are late with submitting your sheet', then you need to set-up when Journyx is going to check the status of sheets and send out the desired emails. After the approval system setting you set up your approval plan(s) and assign one or more users to each approval plan.
Starting to use approval plans is easy
Here is an overview of the settings of an approval plan.
Approval plan set-up possibilities